天天快报!原创CLASS OF 2023| @誉德莱2023届毕业生: 这篇独属于你们的推文, 请查收!

2023-05-29 21:30:09     来源 : 互联网

As the academic year draws to a close, it is time to celebrate and honor the incredible achievements of the Class of 2023 from Utahloy International School Zengcheng. This remarkable group of graduates has not only excelled academically but has also made a significant impact within our school community. Their hard work, dedication, and perseverance have truly set them apart, and it is with great joy and pride that we congratulate them on reaching this milestone.




The Class of 2023 has demonstrated outstanding academic prowess throughout their journey at Utahloy International School Zengcheng. Their commitment to knowledge and the pursuit of excellence is evident in their exceptional grades and accomplishments. Whether it was excelling in rigorous coursework, participating in thought-provoking discussions, or engaging in research projects, these graduates have continually pushed the boundaries of their intellectual abilities.


Beyond their academic accomplishments, the Class of 2023 has embraced the importance of leadership and service. They have played an instrumental role in fostering a positive and inclusive school environment. From organizing charity drives, and spearheading community initiatives, to mentoring younger students, these graduates have consistently exhibited compassion, empathy, and a strong sense of responsibility.

“不啻微茫,造炬成阳”, 除了学术成就,2023届毕业生也很好的阐述了领导力和服务的重要性。他们在培养一个积极并且具有包容的学校环境方面发挥了重要作用。从组织学校活动,参与社区服务,这些毕业生一直表现出同情心、同理心和强烈的责任感。

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The Class of 2023 faced unprecedented challenges during their final years of high school, navigating through the global pandemic with resilience and adaptability. They swiftly transitioned to online learning, demonstrated remarkable flexibility, and maintained their commitment to their studies despite the obstacles they encountered. Their ability to adapt to unforeseen circumstances is a testament to their strength of character and determination.


Utahloy International School Zengcheng prides itself on its diverse and multicultural environment, and the Class of 2023 has fully embraced this aspect of our community. They have fostered an environment of collaboration, understanding, and respect, celebrating the unique perspectives and backgrounds of their peers. Their experiences have shaped them into global citizens who appreciate diversity and actively promote cultural awareness.


As the Class of 2023 prepares to embark on the next chapter of their lives, we have no doubt that they will continue to make a positive impact on the world. Whether they pursue higher education, enter the workforce, or explore entrepreneurial ventures, we are confident that they possess the skills, knowledge, and resilience to excel in their chosen paths.



Congratulations, Class of 2023! You are destined for greatness.

乘风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。 毕业快乐!



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